I love to tweet about topics such as e-Learning, educational technologies, instructional design, open source software, learning management systems, distance education. At the same time, I like to be followed by professionals that find my tweets valuable. The most of the times I follow them back. Recently I realized that several people that use Twitter and are involved in the e-Learning industry want to follow professionals with the above criteria.
As a result, I created the following list with 1000 Twitter users who will follow you back and are involved in the e-Learning industry!
=> 9th Update! 10 more were added!!! – (07/21/2011)
We support Free eLearning! Do you?
=> If you want me to add you to the Top of the list please leave a comment with your username and favorite topic(s) and ReTweet this post! For example, I’m @cpappas (http://twitter.com/cpappas) and I mostly tweet about e-Learning.
=> I will add your Twitter account on the Top of the list!
=> If you want take a look at my post “The most updated and informative e-Learning community on Twitter”
=> 9th Update! 10 more were added!!! – (07/21/2011)
- @mandar_abhisam
- @3dseriousgames
- @andyhughes
- @ddinc
- @pirelearning
- @ms_srivathsan
- @DBezemer
- @emcod
- @AndreaMay1
- @Authoringtools
- @elswedgio
- @learningpath
- @dalerrogers
- @ZJonesSpanish
- @wslashjack
- @mondolearning
- @Q4LET
- @twanica
- @designer59home
- @janebozarth
- @moraskenneth
- @chettbradley
- @Litdistanceed
- @Darron64
- @moodler_radana
- @chiabinghowe
- @pattishank
- @robbartlett
- @Diemray
- @cba7000
- @cetaskinetic
- @dawnetteb04
- @twb822
- @PavoneFrancesca
- @kevinmday
- @PabloACastell
- @Rsuominen
- @modeane
- @jay_a_allen
- @jdidonato
- @online_guru
- @TheTimmyC
- @birdy1976
- @colinmadland
- @solveh
- @product_guy
- @ilearnatwork
- @JeffElder
- @AndreaUseem
- @jsconti
- @msnair09
- @BNadlerID
- @lindsay_abbott
- @trainersblog
- @techcommdesign
- @jozefa
- @suhatamim
- @IanDavidWild
- @eshwaranv
- @kcercone
- @Aneesh_Bhat
- @e_ubicua
- @graphik1
- @elearningshow
- @braydonjm
- @pixiethewriter
- @ecaresoftTS1
- @onscrn
- @elrond25
- @joereform
- @sanstwacas
- @SMusharrif
- @jennystaley
- @vSibai
- @ELAC_hlord3
- @kopsafti
- @nlkilkenny
- @TSRGllc
- @LuisTinoca
- @immersivelearn
- @toastm_techwr
- @Love2LearnAJS
- @VCooper51
- @BlendsofSoul
- @kellygarber
- @RondaMullen
- @jimpfarrell
- @parsandstrom
- @knowledgestreem
- @gfriese
- @ramoswarth
- @epar2u
- @IWantToELearn
- @richshadrin
- @StevenBurkey
- @anetqedu
- @brightaurora
- @vincentmaurin
- @weedog
- @dajan
- @myknowledgemap
- @IntelliDesignID
- @CharlesZoffuto
- @cmaire
- @kapilpoojari
- @SuzanBrandt
- @grammarly
- @colmmu
- @ayesha_commlab
- @elearning_guy
- @mediasite
- @Sylv3r
- @kimbowa
- @andytgeezer
- @marcellorinaldi
- @agrei8
- @shirlpj
- @everyselearning
- @edwarelearning
- @ajhyman
- @jumbez
- @tedkopp
- @manuellaborie
- @mkfc
- @simstu
- @gmurran
- @sspaz1000
- @JudithBK
- @hello_maklein
- @mattybee
- @vkaravir
- @simon_elearning
- @tjadin
- @robinoz
- @write2tg
- @betsyb
- @JasonSWrench
- @niccinh
- @stephen_h
- @joe1reed
- @MichaelBoltonBL
- @abrianclark
- @Dr_Samuel_Conn
- @eLearningpro
- @karenmoloney
- @jlee35md
- @cavinda
- @erikapaezv
- @valion
- @DoeMiSo
- @PeterLiljedahl
- @RonAteshian
- @s_tegos
- @ajh432
- @moodler_radana
- @JeffreyKafer
- @CKatztoronto
- @StarrMatica
- @SaunWashington
- @jmarrapodi
- @byronS
- @lalarrea
- @vahva
- @MarineRuggieri
- @_kenmartin
- @fsalaiza
- @DarlaWigginton
- @EndersDesign
- @ISDer
- @gregwilliams123
- @1nbm
- @rebecka7
- @loveshertwins
- @pascalvenier
- @kerina
- @debelzie
- @lynnwernham
- @NancySlawski
- @trappc
- @ghenrick
- @RandolfKissling
- @DavidAKnopf
- @lukehickey
- @paksorn
- @ElkaRemmers
- @jlalbi
- @eloyfg
- @pedroatamayo
- @allaboutmoodle
- @PhoenixSher
- @JoelleYalin
- @juandoming
- @dbswe
- @MikeAbrams
- @nmstuewe
- @rebecka7
- @joaquinasenjo
- @larrygourley
- @Edutrade
- @kamyousaf
- @trkramer
- @WorldEdCouncil
- @JillMarigold
- @PositiveDoing
- @mickgwyther
- @will4elearning
- @Webyer
- @poojajaisingh
- @evolve4success
- @PabloACastell
- @zaidlearn
- @ictedservices
- @bneiswender
- @Caturani
- @ndefalco
- @joffroylouchart
- @vanlooyguy
- @moiraderoche
- @triptico_eLearn
- @jennip98
- @LesleySteventon
- @MoodleMcKean
- @paulvanhelmond
- @catherine_delia
- @eduevazquez
- @crearvirtual
- @trickyraymer
- @ecampus_au
- @sarajalali
- @sells_annie
- @PeterAlbert_KBI
- @sanjith_menon
- @atsc
- @SashaScottLtd
- @mediadigger
- @dakinane
- @playnice_nz
- @clairebrooks
- @drocvega
- @web20education
- @Atrixware
- @learningexplosn
- @thinkdegrees
- @SKILLscan
- @elearningwisdom
- @jpblanco
- @dominknow
- @bcbailey64
- @eBackpackInc
- @francesblo
- @Billpull
- @eBackpackInc
- @francesblo
- @kim2478
- @McDonaldSales
- @shiftguru
- @mimibarbara
- @wordwhacky
- @vinnystocker
- @rkcslearning
- @tpriddle15
- @enhancedminds
- @OpenSesameNow
- @cpappas
- @savilearning
- @efronters
- @moodlersonline
- @sharonharper
- @efront
- @theroquewizard
- @elearningfuture
- @ahahmomentslrng
- @NitaVenter
- @Interactyx
- @elearningshow
- @weejeelearning
- @giselebrugger
- @minutebio
- @elearning
- @JudithELS
- @elearningcoach
- @elearningtyro
- @bschlenker
- @rachelyvazquez
- @pgsimoes
- @CatMoore
- @sahana2802
- @mylearningspace
- @ermphd
- @hamtra
- @rkiker
- @TheELsite
- @rjacquez
- @jwillensky
- @jessicalearning
- @customelearning
- @2Elearning
- @hamtra
- @LJCreate
- @eLearningBros
- @onEnterFrame
- @jamesfk
- @damiengarber
- @tmiket
- @gmstoner
- @AbhijeetValke
- @gargamit100
- @alexismac
- @roninchef
- @philosophyandre
- @XylemeLearning
- @JonnyvonPaukr
- @FluentPoint
- @bbetts
- @CompetencyMgmt
- @dcannell
- @kasey428
- @lisagualtieri
- @SocialClassroom
- @katiepiatt
- @johnjambrose
- @zecool
- @omeroz84
- @BirdyOz
- @angiehubert
- @delanotho
- @learningcouncil
- @rmarkmoore
- @dtssmithers
- @nnoakes
- @KathrynJackson
- @john_w2l
- @cbiolsi
- @JGLandmark
- @chambo_online
- @bearclau
- @SimpleCEO
- @gfriese
- @digitalchalk
- @w2YDAvid
- @LauraMattis
- @richardnz
- @midquel
- @emantras
- @cathellis13
- @IDLAGravette
- @Phasient
- @studenthacks
- @learnscape
- @alexpickett
- @wgraziadei
- @beanfair
- @lvsonline
- @nudoru
- @COFA_Online
- @davidandrew52
- @gvibe
- @jenhegna
- @Currie
- @RobRobertson
- @shelleyisgoing
- @richardsheehy
- @LINEComms
- @ianmcnaught
- @Vijay7
- @shemp65
- @kamilwalas
- @cre8iveii
- @jadekelsall
- @24x7Learning
- @LrnGirish
- @robertkennedy3
- @tshelts
- @pvil
- @andyhughes
- @yuriquintana
- @z_rose
- @BarbaraOBrien
- @jadekaz
- @casillia
- @Mobl_21
- @Lee74
- @tonymccune
- @robynjay
- @kapil1312
- @Gov2Elearning
- @JoshCav
=> Guys please check back daily I will add every day 50 more e-Learning Twitter Users!