Blog / eLearning / eFront: a usable LMS
12 years ago

eFront: a usable LMS

Recently Wyver Solutions Ltd. reviewed eFront LMS. The following article has been reposted from the Wyver Solutions blog. The original article may be found here.

For straightforward, content-based online learning eFront is hard to beat.

We’ve been spending quite a bit of time recently with eFront. It comes from the team at Epignosis who have also brought us TalentLMS (a fantastically user-friendly, cloud-based basic learning management system).

eFront is the older brother of TalentLMS, and is designed to support a more tutor-led, social approach to online learning.

Four key, stand-out features are:

  • A really clean user interface, which draws a lot on modern techniques like AJAX
  • A Facebook-like chat box, that sits at the bottom of your screeneFront with chat box open

eFront with chat box open

  • A search engine that really works. All the content you create across the site (except for SCORM packages of course!) is searchable – subject to your permissions to see it.eFront search results

eFront search results

  • The ability to make comments against every piece of content or testUser comment about a test

Delegate1 has made a comment about this test

These days we would tend to look at eFront as a first port of call before Moodle – primarily down to its usability.

It doesn’t do all the face-to-face event management and administration that Enterprise Study (a Wyver Solutions partner) is good for, but for straightforward, content-based online learning eFront is hard to beat.

If you can’t get what you need out of the Community Edition, which is released as an Open-Source product, you can upgrade to the commercial Education or Enterprise editions. Neither of which are particularly expensive.

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