Blog / Product News / 2017 Retrospective: Previously on eFront
7 years ago

2017 Retrospective: Previously on eFront

3 minutes
There’s a saying, “a rolling stone gathers no moss”.

Well, we haven’t put stones to the test, but we’ve made sure that moss is the only thing left out of eFront last year!

Cue flashback

It’s been 3 years since we rethought, redesigned and rebuilt eFront from scratch. A product we called eFrontPro. With its new, modern design and advanced engineering, eFrontPro was aiming for the top. But, anything modern quickly becomes old, so we continued to rethink, redesign and enhance the platform to match today’s trends and requirements.

Any man who must say “I am a pro” is no true pro

We made plenty of technical and operational advances last year. If I had to pick one to highlight? It’d be the simplest. We dropped the “Pro” and became “eFront”, merging the traditional with the contemporary.

At the same time, we permanently decommissioned the “old” eFront sites and resources. We moved our gaze away from the past and on to the future.  A change you can see on our brand-new website!

Handsome is that handsome does

2017 was all about UI: The most critical update was a complete revamp of eFront’s User Interface, with User experience in mind.

With a fresh new look came a more straightforward way to obtain and access courses. We updated our Mobile support to take advantage of modern tools and devices. And we introduced new ways for you to create a custom look and feel for your LMS platform. We changed fonts and images to enhance eFront’s readability and usability.

Action expresses priorities

We made many enhancements in 2017. I’ll mention three of the most notable ones here. A Custom reports engine allows you to define, execute and schedule reports with the data and format of your choice. Branch-level settings allow you to configure each branch individually, and Course ratings let end-users assess their training in a user-friendly way.

What else is on TV?

If 2017 was a year of re-‘s: redesign, rethink, redo, recaptcha (OK, not that one), then 2018 will be the year of new: new capabilities (Full-text search, custom notifications, file sharing), new Integrations (Salesforce, GoToMeeting, LinkedIn learning), new tools (Wysiwig editor, data-tables front end, recaptcha (A-ha!) ), new adaptations (multilingual content, events engine) and so much more.

Join us on this trip through 2018 by taking advantage of all that eFront has to offer. Schedule a demo today and see for yourself!

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