Lenzing AG is a global market leader in the production of man-made cellulose fibers with headquarters in Austria, production sites in all major markets as well as a worldwide network of sales and marketing offices. Lenzing is the leading supplier in many business-to-business markets and supplies the global textile and nonwovens industry. The portfolio ranges from dissolving pulp, standard and specialty cellulose fibers to high-quality plastic polymer products and engineering services.
The project and its challenges
The challenge was to train over 4000 employees worldwide in a short time frame. To train them in a formal learning course wasn’t feasible and would have been a logistical nightmare which required enormous resources. Moreover, Lenzing had to
- have an overview of which content was out of date and had to be reviewed, and
- control the launch of the content and who passed courses.
How did eFront help?
For Lenzing AG, the fast provision of work-instructions and trainings, as well as the capability to receive daily reports on the employee’s level of knowledge was the reason they chose the eFront LMS.
eFront presented a powerful and complete Learning Management-System solution. The complete organizational structure of Lenzing AG, including the departments and cost units are displayed in eFront and this whole database is updated daily through an import-interface.
Today, Lenzing trains and instructs more than 3000 employees worldwide on more than 70 online-trainings on security aspects and production issues. The broadening of the range of trainings is planned for HR-subjects as well as the continuous enhancement of the system.
What were the benefits of using eFront?
According to Lenzing, they benefitted most from the following:
- the enormous saving of time, costs and resources
- up to date and standardized trainings and reports on it
- a sustainable and scalable form of training
- the central management of all processes
“We are really pleased. The fast and straightforward support concerning modifications and enhancements is very important for Lenzing AG.”
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