Grow anywhere, anytime, and even offline
Training goes where your learners are with the eFront mobile LMS app

Blue-chip and growing enterprises Trust training on eFront

The mobile app to put training on tap
Train on the go
You don’t need to drag your remote teams in to learn. Offer training your learners can take wherever the job takes them with the eFront mobile app.
Make training accessible
No work phones? No problem. eFront works on both iOS and Android, so your people can tap into training from the convenience of whichever device they already use.
Promote progress
Keep up the learning momentum with in-app messaging and push notifications. Connect learners with instructors and keep everyone on track to meet their training goals.
Create seamless learning
Unify training on both desktop and mobile. No matter where your learners log in, progress syncs across the platform whenever there’s a live internet connection.
Train offline
Remote learners and remote areas go hand in hand. But, with the eFront app, courses are downloadable, so your people can train even when flight mode is switched on.